Painless hysterosalpingography

Study of tubal patency, shape and structure of the uterus.

Hysterosalpingography in Gijon, Asturias

What is Hysterosalpingography?

One of the first tests that should be performed when a woman tries to get pregnant and does not succeed is a study of tubal patency and the shape and structure of the uterus. It is not uncommon to discover that some tubes are not permeable and therefore the probability of pregnancy naturally (or by artificial insemination) is greatly reduced.

What technique do we use?

Conventional hysterosalpingography uses iodinated contrast and X-ray imaging. However, at the ERGO Clinic we have more advanced technology, such as the ExemFoam technique: hysterosalpingography that uses a harmless gel and transvaginal ultrasound imaging. Painless and instant results.

Tubal patency study

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Hysterosalpingography in ERGO Clinic

Hysterosalpingo-Foam-Sonography (ExemFoam) is an improved technique of classical hysterosalpingography, which uses a contrast medium and an X-ray machine to visualize the anatomy of the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes.

Currently, there is a newer technique for assessing the female reproductive tract that will gradually replace conventional HSG. This is Hysterosalpingo-Foam-Sonography (HyFoSy), a type of hysterosalpingosonography that uses a totally innocuous foam gel.

In the case of HyFoSy, the procedure is much simpler than conventional HSG. All that is required is the application of a foaming gel, obtained with the ExEm® Foam Kit, at the same time as a transvaginal ultrasound is performed in the office by your trusted gynecologist and without any discomfort.

Fine-tuning technique

Because we are pioneers in its use in Asturias. Specific training and good results have allowed us to be able to offer it safely to our patients since 2018.

Realization in consultation

Our gynecologists perform it in the office with the help of our nurse, and thus obtain a diagnosis on the same day. It is not necessary to send the patient to a radiologist or to another hospital.

Without any pain

The foam used flows easily, does not contain iodine and therefore does not cause discomfort or pain when passing through the uterus and tubes. In addition, its visualization by transvaginal ultrasound allows an instant diagnosis.

Lower risk

It is a comfortable and harmless technique for the patient, since no type of radiation is used and there is no risk of allergic reaction to iodinated contrast, since there is no iodinated contrast.

Increased comfort

The patient does not have to travel to another center for the test, the results are given to her in writing at the same time and, in addition, there is greater confidence, since it is your team from the ERGO Clinic who will be with you.

Easy recognition

The foam allows for a fast and simple procedure, and the images obtained are of high quality. The outline of the tubes and uterus can be clearly visualized.

Time savings

HyFoSy is a much shorter technique, as it only takes 5-7 minutes to perform. In contrast, HSG takes about 15-20 minutes. In addition, the diagnosis of HyFoSy is immediate and our gynecologist does not have to wait for the result of another specialist.

Reduced cost

Less disposable material and fewer personnel are used to perform the procedure. It is also not necessary to have an X-ray equipment and therefore the final price for the patient is reduced.

For whom is it indicated?

In general, hysterosalpingography is indicated for women who have problems conceiving and who are about to undergo artificial insemination (AI) treatment.

For AI to be successful, it is necessary to ensure that the woman has patent fallopian tubes. Otherwise, the sperm would not be able to reach the egg to fertilize it and, therefore, in vitro fertilization (IVF) would be necessary.

In short, both conventional HSG and HyFoSy serve to assess the tubal functionality of the woman and help determine which assisted reproductive technique is the most appropriate in each case.

Other indications for this diagnostic technique are the study of women with alterations in menstruation, tumors in the pelvis, congenital malformations, etc.

Are there any contraindications?

For greater safety, Hysterosalpingo-Foam-Sonography should only be performed in the pre-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. between days 4-10 of the cycle.

In addition, there are other contraindications to this technique:

  • Do not do it if the woman is pregnant or thinks she is pregnant.
  • Do not do it if the woman has heavy bleeding. It is advisable to wait until the end of menstruation, but without ovulation having taken place.
  • Do not do it in case of active pelvic infection or sexually transmitted disease.
  • Do not use in case of allergy to any of the foam components: hydroxyethylcellulose, glycerol and purified water.

Despite this, no adverse reactions to the foam used have been reported after more than 250,000 procedures worldwide. In addition, by performing it at the ERGO Clinic, you will be doing it in a health center authorized for surgical interventions, so you will be perfectly cared for and in complete safety if anything should happen.

Need more information?

We are a team of more than 15 professionals specialized in assisted reproduction and women’s health. Do you have any doubts? We invite you to meet us, your first visit is totally FREE.

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